Please do contact us but email is the BEST method.
We manufacture the majority of the items we sell. Were a small family business. I work 12-14 hours a day, 6 (and usually 7) days a week. It's become difficult to pick up the phone and enjoy a great conversation about cars or a restoration project or politics. I apologize in advance. But if I don't keep busy making stuff then I won't be in business.
I receive many calls asking how to install a product or where to find an item. As much as I enjoy helping, I am quick to admit that I am NOT a restoration guru. I make the products and gaskets that I've duplicated from originals. I didn't restore each model of car. And there aren't enough hours in a day to help with all the "where can I find a muffler bearing". I get no less that 300 emails and phone calls a days for these.
The best way to communicate is via email. The email address below is a picture. You can't cut and paste it. I have to do that because of all the scammers that flood my email already. Email is the best method of correspondence because I can reply to it at 2AM when I'm just going to bed. Also allows us to share pictures instead of spending a 1/2 hour on the phone trying to describe the "long black thing that goes beside that other thing by the front wheel". That can NEVER happen. Email a picture or better yet Google it.
So basically email if you have a quick question about an item before placing an order. Or to address an issue with an order. NO restoration questions.
Place orders online instead of calling in an order. It saves both of us a lot of time. It eliminates name, address or email typos. Lastly orders will be processed sooner if already in our system. Orders I take over the phone will take an extra couple days to type in. If an items is not in stock it will show "Out Of Stock". If you are in need of an out of stock item email and I can let you know if it's an inventory count error or when I expect to have an item back in stock. If you can't find an item like a muffler bearing or a blinker fluid it's because we don't carry those items.
For guys that don't have a computer or email or aren't comfortable with technology please feel free to call. You may get the answering machine and it may take a day or two for me to respond.
Thanks to the greatest customers ever. Car guys (and gals)!
Detroit Muscle Technologies, LLC
23624 Roseberry
Warren, MI 48089
586.777.7167 phone
586.777.7947 fax